Bowerman Carrie LCSW
Denver, CO
knowing what you went through you have made me very proud the way you have turned your life around and achieved all the goals that you've aimed for... (more)
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Walton Francis X Dr
Columbia, SC
its an excellent site. Dont forget to add us to your links.....and dont forget the cake!!!! Baz xx ... (more)
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MacGregor- Mr. George- LCSW
Montville, NJ
I feel humbled and honoured to have met you at the Mind,Body Spirit Exhibition at Plinston Halls in Letchworth today. You are an inspiration and are... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Anthony
MacGregor- Mr. George- LCSW
Montville, NJ
I feel humbled and honoured to have met you at the Mind,Body Spirit Exhibition at Plinston Halls in Letchworth today. You are an inspiration and are... (more)
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by Anthony
Caughron Debt Relief Law
Helena, MT
Great to meet you Sue. I love your attitude! I think Lifegeta is excellent. Everyone should do it! Mark at Hertfordshire Multiple Sclerosis Therapy... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Mark
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Drug addiction is a problem that is growing at an alarming rate, undermining the core values of our society.  Individuals are getting sucked in to this inevitable black hole of doom and climbing out takes the caring concern of someone who is willing to intervene and confront the individual with their addiction, without wavering.

Intervention is a difficult task, met with great resistance.  Often times when a drug addict is confronted they will get angry and sometimes...

Whether you have been given the ultimatum about never drinking alcohol again, or its a decision that you have consciously made and want to keep, then coping with the unknown is probably one of the most frightening parts. Situations that are all too familiar, will now have to have a different approach. Attitudes, and responses, to peoples reactions to your now tee-total lifestyle can be a daunting experience, and one that will not come naturally. By preparing yourself, beforehand, with...

"Moderation in all things", is a common phrase to describe a generalised approach to creating a healthy lifestyle and well-being. However, because it is a generalisation, it is left to the individual to decide their own level, and this is where the problem lies. People tend to under-estimate their intake, or use words like "slightly too much", or "maybe once in a while", thereby avoiding complete denial, but playing down the effects they may be...

Making the decision to never drink alcohol again can be made for a number of reasons. Previous history of alcohol abuse can have seriously damaged the internal organs, particularly the liver, to the point at which its performance is reduced. And that by restarting a regime of alcohol intake would put indue strain on it, to potentially fatal results, with therefore complete abstinence the only way of giving you the longest potential lifespan. Maybe refraining from drink is a more...

What could this have to do with Recovery? Read on and decide for your self.

I recently remembered a lesson I learned long ago. It was one of those lessons I learned but didn't understand the meaning until much later.

I was about 13 years old. My brother had obtained a very beautiful black puppy and called him inky black. Unfortunately he did not have a high-quality mind the dog that is, my brother is genius.

My granddad and I had been fishing. Our fishing poles were...

Alcohol abuse is the excessive and repeated drinking of alcoholic beverages either on individual occasions or on a regular basis. This problem is especially disturbing for parents after research studies showed that abusive drinking for teenagers is increasing every year despite strict implementation of underage drinking laws.

Therefore, it is not surprising the number of teenagers being entered by their parents in adolescent alcohol treatment programs are increasing every year. If...

Eccoci giunti al consueto appuntamento con le Stelle, quello più atteso…Come sarà questo tanto invocato 2010? Qualche previsione, non solo sarà stuzzicante per ciascuno di noi, ma saperne di più anche del luogo in cui viviamo potrebbe “forse” ritornarci utile. Sono iniziati i transiti più importanti…quelli che riguardano gli Astri fautori e anche un po’ complici degli avvenimenti che accadranno. Un appuntamento Stellare...

Would one trade in his or her vitality for a temporary thrill? Would one lose one's spirit over some frivolous romance that did not even last the night? Hopefully not, but most likely nearly everyone is doing something quite similar to the above on a regular basis. If one is really serious about finding wholeness, then one needs to beware of the conspiracy of nature!

What is nature's great conspiracy? How serious is it? Everyone is subject to this "grand conspiracy"...

The first way that you are going to amp up your own brain power is to actually try and see whether or not you can reduce the stress in your life, and if you are in a high stress job or in a high stress situation, you need to be able to control your own breathing or stress levels, and there are certain exercises that you can use to do this of course. They can range from things like yoga, to stretching to even breathing techniques that you can master to actually help you to relax and...

You could look at any celebrity who overdosed and died at a young age, and more often than not, this could be linked to problems experienced when one was young, including child abuse. This fact should be looked at not as a means of excusing these tragic figures, but to understand how drug addiction has to be treated primarily by addressing emotional problems. Among the places to get abuse treatment, drug rehab in Utah is recommended. It is a perfect venue that allows one to experience...

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