The best-known effect of smoking

Tobacco has many bad health effects, particularly for people with diabetes. No matter how long you’ve smoked, your health will improve when you quit.

Nicotine, the drug in tobacco, is one of the most addictive substances known. Besides the physical addiction, many smokers also become psychologically hooked on cigarettes. So kicking the habit is hard but worth the work. There are many quit smoking tips you can try that can help you quit and stay quit smoking.

10 Ways Smoking Hurts Your Health

The best-known effect of smoking is that it causes cancer. Smoking can also aggravate many of the problems that people with diabetes already face, such as heart and blood vessel disease.

* Smoking cuts the amount of oxygen reaching tissues. The decrease in oxygen can lead to a heart attack, stroke, miscarriage, or stillbirth.

* Smoking increases your cholesterol levels and the levels of some other fats in your blood, raising your risk of a heart attack.

* Smoking damages and constricts the blood vessels. This damage can worsen foot ulcers and lead to blood vessel disease and leg and foot infections. Of people with diabetes who need amputations, 95 percent are smokers.

* Smokers with diabetes are more likely to get neuropathy (nerve damage) and kidney disease.

<!--* Smokers get colds and respiratory infections easier.

* Smoking doubles your risk of getting limited joint mobility.

* Smoking can cause cancer of the mouth, throat, lung, and bladder.

* People with diabetes who smoke are three times as likely to die of cardiovascular disease as are other people with diabetes.

* Smoking increases your blood pressure.

* Smoking raises your blood glucose level, making it harder to control your diabetes.

So, with above best-known effect of smoking, start to quit smoking today to prevent any unnecesarry common diseases, personal health care is important for everybody for better living. Care your personal health today.