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Christmas is a conundrum for most people.It's like a rich, octogenarian uncle. You love him, he's insanely funny and provocative, he gives you really nice presents and just might leave you an Italian villa in his will. But he needs to be taken to the bathroom regularly, requires alotof attention, is opinionated and makes you absolutely crazy when you have to take him to a fancy cocktail party because you never know when he'll pass gas or say something really outrageous, both of which...
When shopping for a gift for someone, knowing more about that person can be so useful. Did you know that you can get great gift ideas simply by knowing someone's astrology sign? Your astrology sign tells us a lot about your personality and likes and dislikes. This information makes shopping for you and finding a lovely gift so much easier!
The first thing to do is to ask someone what their astrology sign is. If they don't know what their sign is, simply ask them when their...
Wicca is the fastest growing religion in the USA. As more and more people get tired of the weekly reminders to fear God and to not think outside of the box, they turn towards new perspectives, ones which allow an individual to think for themselves and to change with the times.
Once the world was isolated, each tribe or culture believing in what they think was right and using the laws of Nature to keep themselves in check. For those still affiliated with organized religions,...
Vishu a festival celebrated in the Kerala (a state of India). In Kerala people considers vishu as astrological New Year and starts new things on vishu day. Along with the Vishu celebrations, there will be Vishu Kani. Vishu is celebrated on Medam first (malayalam calendar) which is on april 14th or 15th. Traditions: As per Hindu astrology Vishu is the day when sun enters into medam rasi and consider it as a solar new year. If you see Malayalam calendar the New Year starts...
The solar system, as a scientific basis of astrology, influences the zodiac signs. As a matter a fact, every sign of the zodiac (I will refer further to the European zodiac) has a ruling planet that gives certain characteristics to the natives of the sign. As a reiteration of the macro cosmos inside the micro cosmos, the zodiacal system is tied to the existence and evolution of the stars and planets in such a way that, by only knowing how to look at the stars and how to interpret...
The Jesse Tree and Advent wreath are two very common items Christians have used to mark four week period before Christmas called Advent or the six period that was known as Celtic Advent. In the modern time Advent has become a great way to stay focused on Christ and helping families overcome the commercial hurdles that Christmas represent.
The Jesse Tree is an older customer that was the precursor to the Christmas tree. It includes the creating of ornaments that represent...
Before I get on with this article (my final one for awhile), I'd like to take a moment to apologize to you for something. These articles are in electronic format and can be easily sent to other people (in fact, I encourage you to send it to your friends). Because of this, I had to hold back on what I offer in them. Here's why... Using Magick energy to "make things happen", is very different from having the secrets to control it. The art of Witchcraft is one that...
Astral Projection is as natural as being human, and probably as old as our existence on this planet. References to OOBE are evidenced throughout human history. Across cultures, socio-economic strata, languages, genders, religions, nationalities and civilizations. From the most ancient tribal societies to the modern civilized societies of the 21st century, human beings have recorded the departure and subsequent return of a subtle body from the physical body. All such recordings...
While some religious people think that some of the things that scientists are predicting about2012are a bit off the charts, they have no problem in believing that the Bible is literal- even that crazy Old Testament prophet Ezekiel. Who can comprehend even the first chapter ofEzekiel,especially verses 4-26? Some Torah scholars have had great cocnerns that misunderstanding these passages asliteral decriptionsof God's image might lead to blasphemy and thusmerkaba mysticismwas limited to...
The Wiccan religion believes that all things in nature including ourselves are sacred and have magickal properties. The rituals and ceremonies in this religion focus on using objects from the earth such as stones, sticks, crystals and herbs. Some of these items are used in the altar and "charged" with positive energy believed to protect the person holding it or wearing it.
Most jewelry used by followers of this religion are objects that promote healing and spiritual...