Acne (1,500)
Addictions (1,500)
Advice (1,500)
Allergies (1,092)
Alternative Medicine (1,500)
Anti Aging (1,500)
Breakup (1,500)
Cancer (1,499)
Dental Care (1,500)
Disabilities (1,500)
Divorce (1,500)
Elderly Care (1,498)
Goal Setting (1,500)
Hair Loss (1,500)
Health and Safety (1,497)
Hearing (1,500)
Law of Attraction (1,499)
Marriage (1,500)
Medicine (1,497)
Meditation (1,499)
Men's Health (1,500)
Mental Health (1,500)
Motivational (1,500)
Nutrition (1,495)
Personal Injury (1,499)
Plastic Surgeries (1,500)
Pregnancy (1,496)
Psychology (1,500)
Public Speaking (1,500)
Quit Smoking (1,500)
Religion (1,499)
Self Help (1,500)
Skin Care (1,500)
Sleep (1,500)
Stress Management (1,500)
Teenagers (1,492)
Time Management (1,500)
Weddings (1,500)
Wellness (1,500)
Women's Health (1,500)
Women's Issues (1,500)
Decluttering your mind is like decluttering your home. You throw out what you don't want and keep what you need. By taking control of your life you can make better decisions and focus on the things that matter the most.
Here are 7 tips to declutter your mind and to help improve your quality of life.
1. Many people are list makers because it helps them not only remember what to do, but it helps them to prioritize. A brain dump of what's stored in your head onto a...
The adrenals are two very important organs of the body. They are mainly responsible for releasing two (among others) important kinds of hormones directly related to stress and the bodies ability to deal with it: cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones are important to the body for different reasons such as maintaining the metabolic rate of the digestive system, allowing for a healthy pregnancy for both the mother and the baby, sending the flight or fight response signals to the person, and...
There are several things people can do to mitigate the stress and strain that can happen in the work place. One needs to remind their self of the purpose. On those days when you have several meetings and all the rest of it, remember what the larger purpose is, and recommit yourself to that larger purpose. That in itself is protective. Another thing you can do is to develop new skills. What can you refine that would make you feel that you're doing a better job everyday. Some of...
Today's world is changing at the most accelerated rates ever, and our bodies, minds, emotions and spirits are all being affected by these larger changes. Have you noticed recently that you're experiencing more intense emotions? Many people are feeling a heightened sense of emotional intensity, so we are seeing more incidents of disruptive outbursts and behaviors, and also more positive emotions related to expanding love, that are inspiring people to take more risks within their...
There are many things in life that separate us and make us unique, however, over the years I have seen one consistent common denominator; our need to forgive. Regardless of our upbringing, our cultural similarities or differences, or any other circumstances of our lives, we have each held onto one or more hurt, pain, sadness or injustice. On a regular basis I work with clients from all over the globe who have used their harbored hurts, pains, sadness, and memories of injustices as...
Do you feel as if you are being stalked by a grizzly bear? Is your system always on high alert? Do you experience headaches, body aches, digestive distress, anxiety, or sleeplessness? The common culprit behind these symptoms could be….STRESS! What are the stressors in your life? Do you have neck or low back pain from lifting and transporting patients? Do you feel pulled in different directions, trying to meet the needs of your patients and their...
As human beings we are a complex species whose healthy functioning is determined by a wide range of influences of a physical, mental and spiritual nature. One of the most important elements of a full holistic philosophy towards wellbeing is a focus on monitoring and correcting the body’s auric vibrations through treatments such as Sound Bath Therapy. Our bodies contain delicate frequencies that ideally work in...
Leadership matters. How you behave when everything seems to be testing you can make or break your organization. It is easy to be clear headed when things are going well. But how unflappable are you when the pressure is on? Letting your emotions get the better of you will derail your decision making and the ability of the people around you to perform at their best. I would like to be able to say that its easy to manage your emotions. ...
Biting nails at a glance doesn't seem that much of a problem but careful examination of this behavior surely shows that it is problematic. The technical word for nail biting is Onychophagia and it starts generally between the age of 4 or 5 to ten. It is a very common problem and over 30% of the Americans show, nail biting behavior and it is the maximum at the time of puberty.
This highly prevalent behavior much more in children results in short and ragged nails. It can also...
Real-life holidays may not be anything like the Hollywood "Brady Bunch" holidays.While radios and store Muzak blare Ho-ho-ho and Fa-la-la, we sometimes find ourselves feeling the contrast between what we WANT in their lives and what we HAVE. We may be grieving for people who are not with uswho may be gone because of military duty, illness, divorce or death. We may grieve for losses due to financial setbacks, depression, rifts in relationships, or relationships we want but...