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Smoking is addictive because cigarettes contain the drug called nicotine. When people smoke, nicotine gets absorbed by the lungs and enters the bloodstream. The body develops the tolerance to the increased amounts of nicotine. Nicotine, being a psychoactive drug, changes the electrical activity of the brain. Nicotine has calming effects and activates the pleasure centers in the brain. Recently a huge industry has been developing on the back of people trying to quit smoking and the...
You do not need an expert to tell you that cigarette smoking is harmful to human health. And even if that is a universal fact, many people continue to smoke while tobacco companies rake in millions if not billions of dollars in revenues and profits.
Lung and throat cancer, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis and weakening of the immune system are among the many diseases and ailments smoking inflicts on our body. Smoking can also compromise sexual performance.
A census taken in July of 2004 revealed that approximately 1/3 of the worlds population were smokers which equates to 1.2 billion people. While many developed countries are taking steps to reduce the number of smokers, many other places in the world are actually seeing an increase in both the smoking habit and health problems related to it. If you have not yet decided that its time to quit then here are some facts that may help to persuade you. This article will look at the properties...
If you are a smoker, you already know that your health is at stake. By understanding the positive changes to your body after you've stopped smoking, you will be more likely to stick to your new smoke-free regime.
First, it's important to understand how smoking affects your vital capacity. Ask your doctor to perform a Vital Capacity test to measure the amount of air you take in with each breath. You will be asked to take a deep breath and blow into a device that tells your...
The use of tobacco and its resulting nicotine addiction is responsible for killing more than 430,000 people each year in the United States, more people than die from car accidents, homicide, suicide, fire, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and AIDS combined. Tobacco use in some form accounts for around one in three of all deaths from cancer in the United States. Smoking is responsible for 83% of all lung cancer deaths. Smoking also causes cancers of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus,...
There aren’t trash cans or ashtrays conveniently scattered through the landscape of your life, so I’m certain that these instances have occurred for all smokers. Another reason to quit smoking: you’re a closeted environmentalist who doesn’t want to see public areas littered with cigarette butts. You’re encouraging our youth to pick up a dangerous habit. Sure kids are constantly peppered with ad campaigns telling them how stupid, unattractive and...
Many smokers realize the need to quit smoking. However, they often stop at one question. How to do it? There are many right ways, which help to stop smoking. It needs proper planning and right attitude on the part of smoker, who wishes to stop smoking. Smokers should keep in mind some basic things before they start quit smoking treatment. The quit smoking treatment may take very long time if smokers do not implement right strategies. The key challenges include making a firm decision...
Smoking is one of the leading cause of heart attacks among people in their thirties and forties, but, unfortunately, most people still need an alarming health report and quit smoking only on prescription. What's worse, when it comes to persuading smokers to quit smoking, health arguments don’t always work.
The majority of smokers want to quit and have tried to quit smoking in the past 12 months, but only around 1% of smokers who try to quit on their own successfully do...
"It's not the nicotine in cigarettes that's harmful. It's the smoke."
That was the tag line provided by a manufacturer of nicotine gum during the famous debut of their product's commercials a decade ago. While not an entirely accurate statement (will discuss that later) it did strike a nerve with millions of smokers and led them to a rush to purchase nicotine gum. Unlike many other products of the past which promised a lot and delivered little, nicotine transmission...
Are you a smoker who spends at least $ 3.50 for a pack every day or $1,277.50 a year? That is a lot of money, so let us look at different ways of utilizing your “cigarette” money once you quit smoking.
For the single pack smoker you could:
1. Go to the movies with your friend once a week, every week.
2. Buy pizza 122 times a year.
3. Take a Hawaiian or Alaska Cruise once a year.
4. At $3.00 a gallon, buy 409 gallons of...